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SGIE - Elper's Integrated Management System

Our Elper Integrated Management System - SGIE is the base of the sucess of our excelence and it was created to guarantee our customer's satisfaction and respect to the society where we actuate.

The SGIE actuates in the following principles: 
  • Customer's satisfaction guarantee
  • Certification system
  • Environment
  • Social Responsibility

    All areas of our products, since development, production process and logistics, are monitored by the Elper Quality Management System.


    The quality of products is always guaranteed and secured by excelence standards and our custumers keep confident to buy our products with our quality certification stamp. 


    This stamp means to our customer that he bought a product produced by SECO Seojin Automotive under a rigorous certified quality system and in agreement with the most important global standard requirements. 


    The ELPER Automotive Systems actuates, in partnership with SECO Seojin Automotive, in the development, production and supply of components and systems for automotive vehicles and defines its integrated management system based on the principles:

  • Customer's satisfaction guarantee;
  • Continuous improvement of the company and efficiency of our SGIE;
  • Be an excelent place to work and for personal and profissional development;
  • To accomplish the legal requirements applicable to the places where our products are sold;
  • Continuous seek of the operational excelence;
  • Always advance the socioambiental fulfillment, promoting the environmental conscience  of our team and society where we actuate.

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